arent we all blind sometimes?
09.07.2003 ~ 1:30 am

i had a dream this morning. at first i was looking at my toes. i had ten on one foot. then i realised that i put two feet together. very clever. but then i the length of my toes were all uneven and horrible and i was deformed! like on Will & Grace except i had the tumor.

anyways. i was at school. but with aspects of home. we (my entire form) were all waiting for something and so i decided to watch The Incredible Hulk. starring matt hales. in tudor/stuart-wear, with the puffy breeches and tights. don�t ask, i didn�t ask for this. so after the film ends, matt hales appears out of nowhere. my dreamself logically assumes that he is his character and gives him a big hug. aww.

the rest of the dream is quite forgettable as it does not contain either of the brothers hales. normal school dream - i have to finish a science investigation on cotton and tweed, and i didn�t have a tweed sample, when everyone else did.

then we all went to the DT block and shopped for stationary. and danced around.

saw orlando bloom on graham norton. aww. he�s so cute. but he has big hair. really big and long. and is he thinner now or was it just the tan? i liked him better before. or maybe he�s trying to look trojan. anyway, he was talking about the last time he was on GN with cybil shepherd. good times. i was watching with yvonne and her little sister and yvonne was like �orlando who?� then two months later, �orgasmic fitness!!!!!!!�

hm. i liked orlando bloom. but i liked elijah wood better. i bet that i have more entries mentioning him than ones with matt hales. or ben hales. i mean, he�s been around longer (not in the birth sense, but in the fangirl sense). let�s search

entries containing the word �orlando�: 44 (incidentally, 2 of these have �matt hales� in the title)

entries containing the word �hales�: 80. okay, that was hell to count. and i am wrong but in a very good way. yay!

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