arent we all blind sometimes?
09.07.2003 ~ 2:52 am

hello. just spent a long time doing up my xanga site with i don't even use (my loyalties lie with diaryland. big up da d-land crew!).

i also started an aqualung BlogRing. anyone can join it, so you have no excuse! well, except for the fact that you might not like aqualung.

i had to fit the description in 5oo characters, so this could have been even longer:

Once upon a time, in the land of England, there lived a young man named Matthew Hales. He was very talented and legend has it, very attractive. However, despite his talent and attractiveness, he, his brother and his friends (also talented and attractive) found very little success in their bands RUTH and The 45s. One day, Matt Hales wrote a song called Strange and Beautiful. It became The Song On The VW Beetle Ad and he became Aqualung. This BlogRing is for the appreciators of Aqualung.

now i'll just go and make one for RUTH, one for the 45s, one for matt, one for ben, one for matt vb and one for stephen.

<< aqualung BlogRing. >>

th since 5th october 2001