arent we all blind sometimes?
20.05.2002 ~ 11:12 pm

rejection, how i despise thou.

everyone i have come across today have heard about my dream, but in my attempt to tell the world i am telling it again.

in my dream i wake up like i do normally and everything was nice and normal until i was about to leave the house. there's a phone in the hall in my house, and as i was passing it, it rang. so i picked it up. it was my aunt and grandpa calling from HK. so i decided to talk to them. when the conversation ended, the coach has left 5 minutes ago and my dad drove off too. so my mum suggested i call a cab. so i did and took it to school.

school was beautiful spanish buildings, properly grand palacio structures so it made sense that the first lesson was spanish. senora, the one we have now (who is leaving after the exams. AGAIN with the leaving) anyhoo, sra spanish was really nice. i explained how i had missed the coach, yaddy yaddy yadda, and she asked me if i signed in. (which, btw, i havent) apparently we had colour groups (how kindergarten) i was in the blue group and fellow blues chess and jenni weren't in school yet, so i was spared. dont ask me the logic in that, i didnt get it either.

after first lesson, we had to go to some other pretty spanish building. i walked there with my best friends - meera and orlando bloom. yeah that's right. go dream me. we were walking through this touristy spanish square place when i realised that my phone case which matches the bag it's hanging off was empty. so i was running through the options: my phone was stolen; i left it in spanish building no.1; its in my bag for no 0reason; why do i have a stupid phone case anyways? while i was having the missing phone inner monologue, orlando bloom decided to have an outer one, directed to me. it went something like: "we've known each other for a long time (we have?), but the truth is that i'm not that interested in you."


"i like meera."

again with the 'heh?' but desafortunadamente, the wrath of lok took over: "oh, oh, so i'm willow to your xander now, huh? what does that make meera? BUFFY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" i grabbed his gap t-shirt (the one in the gap advert, duh) and tugged at it, and it started to rip, "oh oops, its ripping now, is it???????" wierd. especially when i had no(t a lot of) motive. anyway, actions in dreams are always justified. in the not thinking straight state, i had noticed that it was warm despite the snow. who knows, the snow could have been some dream pathetic fallacy thing.

changing the subject, orlando points to the spanish building no.2 we have now arrived at and goes: "look! there's sam!" sam being "frodo and sam" sam, cos sean astin was waving at us from a spanish palacio window. "its sam astin, i mean sean astin." i correct, and yes, i have bitch licence cos i just got rejected.

dumbass didn't get it. "huh"

"toto, i dont think we're in middle earth anymore. look, we're in spain!"

as a lame attempt to mock, i decided to point to katie gray, who was sitting with the rest of the class on the tiered standing thing we stood on in the school photo. "look, its katie gray!"

and that's just about the most i remember. great, isn't it? according to mad, guys always go for meera. whatever. i tried the chloe clark thing, but that didnt work, cos they actally get it on. almost. so mad said i could be lana. geez, i feel so dumb typing this: "mad said that i could be...". oh, and elijah wood is now officially my 'elijah baby' cos i said baby after saying elijah, which i have no recollection of at all, and he is also my 'husband' cos hannah said, and hannah's always right. cool.

phoned yvonne just now. yvonne, my 'best pal' who did not tell me about 'justin' her boyfriend (or as she elegantly puts it, "ngo tiu tsae") until last week. "oh, didn't wong siu tell you?"

"why would wong siu have bloody told me about YOUR boyfriend?????" anyways, i mentioned my dream to her. mumbled sth about orlando bloom.

"ORLANDO BLOOM IS A SEX GOD! i love him!!!"

"but last time i saw you in march you didnt even know who he was."

"i bought the VCD in april! i love him!!!!!!" at this point i had to hold the phone 2 feet away from my ear, but i still heard something like "ORGASMIC....!"

"so are your dormies in the dorm?"


"won't they catch you?"

"catch me screaming 'orgasmic fitness?"

"something like that."

as if on cue, the dormies come in. group screaming: "ahhhhhhhhhhh! eeeeeeeee! waaaaaaah!"

"eh, lamlok, they think you're justin"

"that would be because you were screaming about the orgasmic fitness of orlando bloom. to your boyfriend. as you do."

"don't you have revision to do?"

"don't you?"

and there endeth our phone conversation.

last thing: kudos goes to babs who drew my dream out today and is a star for saying that i have a "sarcastic je ne sais quoi". mwah to you. and yes, have done no revision either. that would be a lie, cos i did do the last, 7th circle theorem - tangents from a point to a circle are equal.

<< he loves me not. >>

th since 5th october 2001