arent we all blind sometimes?
27.07.2004 ~ 4:30 am

Note the date and time. (26th July, 17:41) My guess is Cecil.... Lauren, I mean.

Edited to make this friends only instead of private and to add things, of course.

Hello. I posted the above before I realised that entries can be edited. Like this! Here are my reasons for Anon IS Lauren:

1) I log IP addresses and hers say that she's using Irish broadband. They are from at least three different computers. Univeristy, perhaps? Not a lot of board regulars living in Ireland. Lauren went to the gigs in Whelans and Vicar Street in Dublin. Stevelappin lives there too but has been gone too long. And he's literate. And is probably more occupied with wedded bliss.

2) Not many people posted at the end of this thread, so probably not a lot of people know about nominating me as a mod.

3) cecilwinthorpe hides a lot. In fact, there's a thread about it. And just for the record, she said that she doesn't want people to see what she is looking at - when you can't on the Aquaboard. You know who is online that that's it. So if you post and your name does show, any idiot can work out that you are hiding.

4) Run-on sentences and lack of full stop.

5) Right after she posted this comment, I went on the Aquaboard and the only new post there were from cecilwinthorpe.

6) Cecil, Stuart and Charry are board friends. This sounds silly but it means off-board discussion. This also explains the defence of Stuart. Nominating me for mod so suddenly is suspicious too. I suspect that they all know about this (otherwise why should she care about me apologising to Stuart?). The suggestion was posted by Charry because it would be strange for her friends not to back her up.

Bitchslap me if the above are crap reasons and I am only biased towards Cecil because she didn't know who Stephen Cousins was. (A crime in itself?) You can also bitchslap me if I get it wrong.

And just to clarify, the comments Anon left in the last post weren't all by Anon.

HA wrong guess again! was real.

ah you got me was me, under ticca's influence. (I can blame her because she's in Eygpt.)

but did you really? was real.

i dont know do you? was Wongsiu. She had posted "I don't know, do you?" but I deleted it and made her write it again for obvious reasons.

And now my HK friends are spamming me lovingly. You should join in too, name or no name. Before Maocha outlaws it all together.

<< Chaos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>

th since 5th october 2001