arent we all blind sometimes?
01.06.2004 ~ 5:24 pm

i like it when they are unaware of my mocking them. perhaps there is merit in the stupidiy on the AquaBoard. i shouldn't speak, as i am prone to moments of sarcasm-oblivion. you would think that i would have mastered it by now.

there was a power cut yesterday evening; God was telling me to get off line by striking down some pylons (actually, some houses caught on fire. i think they're ok). so i went downstairs and fell asleep, pretending to read. it was good.

i meant to talk about how much we rely on electricity. sure, i could cool my hands by washing them, but i couldn't take a shower because i have the darkest bathroom ever; the fridge could only be opened for a split second; the garage door wouldn't open at all; no TV; no microwave and therefore no time. the laptop was charged but what's the point if i couldn't go online?

<< powerless. >>

th since 5th october 2001