arent we all blind sometimes?
30.05.2004 ~ 6:36 pm

meme from forgottendays

Type your username with your:

nose: loaqmlo0ook

elbow: loamlok

tongue: lamlol

chin: llaz` mlok

feet: lzamlok

eyes closed and one finger: la,lok

back of my hand: kamlok

palm: laMNKLOK

mouse: lamlok

wrist: lazm l.olk

some blogger said that Ben couldn't sing. fuck off.

all this sleeping has made me ill. i'm burning up thanks to incurable dehydration and my nose isn't helping by running. and i'm achy in random places and my coordination will be next to go. i'll be accidently pouring water over electrical sockets again.

ETA: bloggerS. i'm quite amused by this, but still bitter:

The singer/keyboardist for that band flew home to Britain yesterday because his wife was about to have a baby, and he left his brother to open the show by himself. The dude -- a Ben -- did admirably despite the circumstances, but try as he might, his singing wasn't up to snuff. For a half an hour, he did what he called "Aqualung karaoke" while strumming his acoustic guitar alone on stage. Poor guy. He called it the longest half hour in his life. Although it wasn't that bad, it wasn't good either.

<< K is hard to find. >>

th since 5th october 2001