arent we all blind sometimes?
30.05.2004 ~ 8:28 pm

coming home and finding the internet exactly as you left it - empty and uninteresting - is really disheartening.

however! i did get out of the house today and it was fantastic because i went to the new Barnes and Nobles and bought books that i've been meaning to read for a long time:

About a Boy - because i heart the film and thekittenent tells me to read Nick Hornby

Pride and Prejudice - which i started in a funeral director's and am still stuck at the word "cordial"

The Illiad - because i feel a bit left out and it was next to the cashier and tiny and hardbacked and had a ribbon bookmark and gilded pages.

i wanted to get some Jacqueline Carey and Tommy's Tale by Alan Cumming but decided against it because i actually know very little about Jacqueline Carey, as she was recommended to me by a kindred spirit (i know, ticca, how Anne and Clara) i met in D.C. who called me her Asian-British twin. i feel as though i can't contact her until i've read at lest one of the books...

and Tommy's Tale was just expensive. i'll go there again someday and read it on one of those less-than-comfy sofas. even bring some friends and make it a party.

started The Pleasure of Finding Things Out the other night. i'm not good with reading multiple books at the same time.

<< it's the smell of a new book, you know. >>

th since 5th october 2001