arent we all blind sometimes?
05.05.2004 ~ 10:35 pm

saw Venus with my naked eyes. they call her the brightest star in the sky. (is that not a 45s song?) it was 3 pm. little green fairies flying everywhere. eyes water. goodbye retinas.


Andrew Jackson not so hot. Zachary who Taylor? Nixon Ford Carter seventies shit for America inflation energy crisis oil OPEC malaise speech economic rollarcoaster. please DBQ and free response essays, be on something i actually know about?

must. read. timeline on APUSH wall. and try not to get distracted?

you probably won't hear from me until after the APUSH AP exam because i'm study grouping from 3 to 8 tomorrow night. well, maybe i'll pop online just to read wishes of luck. (i'll need them!)

early night need. fanfic need. revise need.

horoscope for friday:

You refuse to let multiple choices paralyze you. Sure, there's a wide range of options, but looking at all the wrong answers only reinforces your confidence that you're doing the right thing. The signs of impending success are many and obvious. Secret admirers come out to greet you openly. Long-delayed awards are finally presented. You tell the right joke to the right person, making his or her day and making yourself a new friend. Now that you've tapped into this wellspring of good energy, don't turn it off. There's so much more to do with what's already in your hand.


<< off to die. la la la! >>

th since 5th october 2001