arent we all blind sometimes?
17.12.2003 ~ 3:18 pm

last day of term! or semester. actually, it's sort of a oh-look-i-exempted-the-rest-of-my-exams-so-ha thing. not official at all, which is sad, i think.

so what did i do today?

health exam. i thought it was all multiple choice but we had to do six "essay questions". when did essays mean lists of five items? there was a lot of made up crap (list 5 things you can do to save energy in the home: double glazing!)

for period two, i waited for twenty minutes in the cafeteria with my French buddies (minus Wenke) after showing the clinic evidence of my innoculation. (my arm fucking hurts. it's the tetanus, apparently)

i resisted the urge to go to Suicideboy's Latin class again because a) i know no-one there; b) i had no urge and c) period 6 was after period 2 (i know, it makes no sense) and period 6 is Latin. 50 minutes of Latin followed by more 2 hours might actually break me.

so in period 6 (which was the third period of the day) i did nothing but moan about my neck (it's killing me as well, stiff bastard) and attempted to read Harrius Potter and The Philosoper's Stone.

4th period was even more random. my teacher put on A Christmas Story, which is apparently a classic, but i couldn't hear it and the only thing that got my attention was the leg lamp.

then my chinese friend Demi and i tried to figure out Suicideboy's chinese name. but we don't speak Mandarin and got very confused. (how do you pronounce Xu in Mandarin?)

then we tried to look for Wuhan and the Sulu Sea, formerly known as the Negros Sula Sea.

the Latin exam was 200 multiple choice questions, which is always fun. i did it in record time of 40 minutes and we translated How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Saturnalia) and sang Christmas carols or bonuses. i had my voice this time and had to suffer the stares of passing students. apparently in Latin 3 (i was there, but never noticed) some boy "flipped them off" (or "gave them the finger", in English English) when they sang. ha.

my life is becoming inreasingly random.

and i'm doing the maths club poster again. *throws hands up in defeat*

<< my increasingly random life. >>

th since 5th october 2001