arent we all blind sometimes?
16.12.2003 ~ 5:12 pm

entry no. 1000!

cue confetti, streamers, balloons, birds with ribbons in their beaks and cherubs blowing trumpets!

lalalalalalala lalalalala lalalala la la lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala lalala lala LA!

(am listening to Like a Virgin sung by Jim Broadbent. dancing time! but alas, i have to sit to type on this godforsaken computer.)

i'd go on about the history and the years and the blood and tears and sweat and the times we lived through vicariously and how nobody gives a flying fuck. so, onto the entry of the day:

i got an extra hour and a half sleep this morning, so i felt great, except for the fact that i was DYING OF FLU. i'm hot and cold at the smae time, my nose won't stop running and coughing burns my sternum and my voice is croaky and horrible.

because period 2 has been shortened to 20 minutes, it would be unwise to go to French. so i went to suicide boy's latin class instead. they sang christmas carols in Latin and seemed to have a pretty good time. i sat awkwardly and tried not to laugh.

exam time is cool. instead of the usual strict walking-around-the-school rules, people wander around and make noise and bunk lessons. only half the class was in APUSH so they all got 0 in their quizzes. ha.

maths, i mean, pre-calculus, exam. i needed to keep that borderline A. it was much easier then i imagined, but there were only 50 questions, so each is 2%. finished it before the first hour was over then gave up checking and started writing a letter to rach millipede. it's now in the pile of stuff i've written in the back o my file.

then i got a tetanus-diptheria jab. i had to wait for more then an hour and saw most of Lilo and Stitch. couldn't hear the dialogue so i listened to the 45s album. twice. the actual injection look about a second. she didn't even watch where she put the plaster. kind of pointless when the blood goes everywhere, ce n'est pas?

ETA 8.15: my arm hurts. i hope they didn't infect me with something. what is i got HIV?

i changed my background to this photo tiled and just now, only a little slit of glasses, smile and hair was visible on the side of this window and i thought he was me. holy mother of sock. he's very pretty.

people here sing "five golden rings". is it me or it is "five gold rings" in the uk? "gold" sounds better.

<< 1000. (oh, finals too) >>

th since 5th october 2001