arent we all blind sometimes?
15.12.2003 ~ 3:32 pm

this is my 999th entry. i'll buy cake for tomorrow.

i'd like to think that there is a God today. and here is why:

remember the physics test that i only did half of, that might ruin my chances of an exemption and therefore a pass? well, the half i did was 80%, and i was pretty sure i was right. (i pretty much was - but NB: it's called the law of conservation) and the bits i messed about which i thought were wrong on the last page were right, so i got 82 whole percent! (craziness: i'm happy about my B) my table buddy got the whole of the second half right and he got 86%. HA!

pissing-off-ly, my semester average for pre-cal is 89.6%, which is a borderline A. i should have exempted that...but i wouldn't be able to exempt the next semester, which will be harder. (the next semester of physics will be harder as well, but did you exempt? no!) have to make sure i make a 90% then. at least i get to sleep in tomorrow.

after that will just be health and Latin. but you'll never know, my life is the ironic type. things that are not funny in a HA HA sort of way like to happen to me.

saw the end of Le Ma�tre de Musique aujourd'hui. it was fantastic and beautiful and i want a voice like that girl's (it wasn't her voice, she was dubbed).

told almost everyone about Baby Hales today. Gladdy (Galadriel) congratulated me. (she writes Legolas/Gimili/Haldir on

Non-Matt was particularly pleased:

"i had sex with a girl? was she hot?"

"very hot, yes. and she's an actress."

"I HAD SEX WITH A HOT GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

my history teacher was glad to hear that.

i wore my Latina Vivit t-shirt today. bitched about it to the only other person in my Latin class to wear it. i plan to cross it out and write "mendax sum" because Latin is very much dead. i'd write "it's a lie" in Latin, but i don't know "lie" in Latin. i have a dictionary, but i'm a lazy bastard.

i saw a Golf walking out of the school today. that has to be a good omen.

and my uncle gave a gift card worht $100 for christmas. it's pretty and it's just like a real Visa card, except it has a crazily short expiration date. whoo! CDs! clothes!

lalalalala lalala la

my parents just left, i know not why.

<< there is a God. >>

th since 5th october 2001