arent we all blind sometimes?
11.12.2003 ~ 12:12 am

just finished revising APUSH and tryign to do maths. feeling much better. i'll take this one day at a time, like a recovering addict, which really is what i am - an internet addict. so what if i were too weak to resist it's clicky charms today? i'll do it tomorrow. i don't think that's what they meant by a day at a time, but i'm overly optimistic like that. it just so happens that the moment i start doing things, my mind makes it hell and then i go away and think about it and realise it's not that bad but i make it that bad the next day.............

well. i have an APUSH test tomorrow, on friday physics, maths and latin. and this is right before the exams. how ridiculous. i shall be exempting them like a crazy child and taking mostly easy ones so i shan't worry. this weekend i'll have fun. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

work can wait till may. by then i'll be happy to know that i'll be out of here as soon as they're done. *air punch*

<< cheer up >>

th since 5th october 2001