arent we all blind sometimes?
11.12.2003 ~ 11:01 pm

hello. i had a good day today.

i'm generally quite happy on thursdays because they are followed by friday, the best day of the week. why not saturday and sunday? because the weekend starts on friday so you have the wonderful anticipation. a the weekend progresses, you realise that you're never going to fulfill your hope and dreams and therefore sunday is the worst day of the week because of te impending doom. mondays are bad too.

today was good despite the fact that both my index fingernails broke. one of them practically cut into the flesh. quite unpleasant whebn i didn't have the means to cut it.

when we were pre-teens we used to think that only shallow "tarts" (heh, haven't used that for a while) despaired about nails. that was before we experienced The Pain of nails separating from flesh. and before the realisation that the wound could become infected and get gangrene and would have to be amputated.

(then there are the readers who have been scared of nails breakign all their lives and think i'm crazy.)

anyway. we were going to see Glory afterschool for extra-credit for APUSH today. Glory is about the 54th regiment in the Civil War which was comprised of black men. it is also rated R, which is sort of like 17, but you could go to a cinema and watch it with an adult if you're younger. anyway, district policy is that school MUST NOT show R rated films.

it was fine until someone left their permission slip at home and their mother called in to say that we were seeing an R rated film. so my hisotry teacher got called to see The Powers. annd we had to see a boring history channel documentary on it instead. at least it was an hour shorter.

so Non-Matt went round asking everyone if it were them that forgot the slip. "i'll wage war on England if it was you." during the video he asked me what was more popular in England, Coke or Pepsi.

i "finished" my homework by the way. i began officially at 9, to revise physics and maths. i actually began at half past. and my phyiscs revision was composed of going over what we did today and readign the textbook and not understanding most of it. i need to get a good grade as well. eff it.

and pre-cal.... nevermind, i have advisory and suicide-boy always remembers the questions.

i finished those at 10:45, and did a bit of french - for 15 minutes. not sure how much of the questions my teacher wants us to do so i did the bare minimum because i'm a lazy arse. we're seeing Le Ma�tre de musique. lots of pretty opera music and a pretty girl who sings some of it. i hate how i don't understand the words. surely meaning is lost? i should learn italian. and german. ich haber ein radiogummi. ya!

english isn't a very graceful language. other languages tend to have distinctive qualities to them even if they aren't good to listen to. cantonese is pretty shit too, but it's got quite an angry tone to it, loud and forceful. good to insult people with.

i should sleep. beign able to think is always good, especially when doing difficult physics....thingies..................

<< i want to sing. >>

th since 5th october 2001