arent we all blind sometimes?
14.11.2003 ~ 10:15 pm

just got back from seeing the play, A Piece of My Heart by Shirley Lauro with sara. i didn't expect it to be good and i was pretty much expecting to just get the extra credit.

but it was really, really good. very moving. it was about women in the vietnam war and their lives after getting back to america. which was nice, cos all six leads were girls.

also spectacular was that they had boys come down from the ceiling.

what annoyed me somewhat is that the play overused those monologue device things. they sound a bit trite to me.

still, i was crying in the end.

p.s. i got ticca to post on quite randomly. huh. now there's someone i actually know offline on the board. nice, but also a bit scary. i quite liked the (sort of) anonymity.

why does no one ever say "cross" to mean angry anymore? sory, reading old matt interview.

<< a piece of my heart. >>

th since 5th october 2001