arent we all blind sometimes?
22.08.2003 ~ 10:45 pm

just saw Adaptation. i liked it. no one else did. something about fleeting passion. i like it. attempted to see Serendipity last night. i love the idea of fated love. there's a traditional chinese belief that fated lovers have a piece of read string that ties them together in their little fingers. being tthe cynical child i was, i thought i was absolute bullshit. of course now that i'm an annoyingly hopeless romantic, i think it's wonderful.

friday is like a drug to me. back in the day, i used to have those "it's friiiiiiiiday!" entries, probably after a grueling week of staying late and up for DT, rushed english essays and crap thrown in my face. you know.

well this was the first 5-day week i've spent in my highschool here in america, land of the free, etc etc. i'm coping well, i think. possibly settling in. finally appreciating that whole US history thing now that i'm beginning to see the good side as well as the absolutely shit side that i only saw last week. it's pretty shit, i tell you.

anyhow, i'm seeing the beauty of life again so i thought i'd tell you. i think it's important. there was a massive thunderstorm last night, and the lightening really brightens the sky for split seconds. it's all quite amazing.

well anyway, school was nice, i didn't have any french homework so after drawing with coloured markers in health, i began to write my DT buddy rach millipede the letter i promised i'd write months ago. which i continued in advisory, which was in the same room and with the same people as US history.

so i got really bored with writing and i had an overwhelming urge to make meaningless conversation. you know the type. the type that scares people who don't know me. and it's pretty safe to say that no one in there knew me. because they haven't heard my random outbursts before. pobrecitos. someone suggested i get a megaphone, which i actually really wanted at some point of my early life. then somehow it led to lara croft and i had to tell everyone about rhona mitra and basically, some people were very amused and some got very scared of me. very scared.

well, i felt like the attention. it's friday, you see. gives me that natural high.

<< friiiiiiiiiiiiday! >>

th since 5th october 2001