arent we all blind sometimes?
21.08.2003 ~ 4:23 pm

just called everyone. time to cue the fanfare i think:

do do do do do do dooooooooooo!

right. les results de GCSE:

English Language: A

English Literature: A

Maths: A*

RS: A*

DT: A*

French: A*

Spanish: A*

DCS: A* A*

and let's add the good old Chinese A* to get the full set of 10, shall we?

wow. these were pretty much expected, although i did have doubts with the maths since the cal paper was evil incarnate and i couldn't do the courseworks. of course, these results could have come to me in a dream...

once upon a time, a child woke up early one morning to the sweet sound of her mother's voice telling me to phone school.

"you do it," said the ungrateful child, "i want my 20 minutes of sleep"

so the child went back to sleep, and when she woke up, she was told about her GCSE results. then she brushed her teeth and had good dental health ever after.

the A* for RS was nice. before the exam, i didn't think that i was gonna do too well, but then i had a bit of an epithany and realised that all i had to do was to finish the exam - do all the questions. we tend to write more than we need cos we got taught too much. nine essays, ten minutes each, bloody.

well before the child woke up, she had a dream. remember mini-matt? well he had practically blonde hair, like ben. weird. what dream isn't? i was at this racing circuit and a couple of people and i wanted to watch from this indoor bit where the cars come out (not the pit). they told us to lie down on the track to watch the race from a TV screen. how safe. then i joined a pair of mini-matt fangirls in harassing him. it wasn't too fun cos it wasn't matt.

well that's all for today. i'm spent and i still have homework to do. 20 maths questions. i miss you Mrs M, you are The Best! you giver of one-question homeworks. and i have to go out later. where is the justice?

<< G-C-S-E! you gotta study for the G-C-S-E... young man, young man... >>

th since 5th october 2001