arent we all blind sometimes?
14.08.2003 ~ 10:22 pm

i hate this. couldn't think, couldn't do maths. it took for-effing-ever. i was abotu to cry. then i had a massive chapter to read for US history. which took ages. i had to tak ethe book to the restaurant and still didn't finish until just now. and there are probably gonna be quizes for the above things tomorrow. and my french teacher doesn't seem to be very nice. and i currently can't do maths. and i know nothing about US history. kill me now. i mean it. thank god it's friday tomorrow. i can buy new headphones. the left ear's gone out. can hear a thing. probably because a) i wind them too tight; b) i fall asleep with them on and therefore sleep on them. one day i'll wake up strangled. like that's possible. i need sleep but i can't. too pissed off. am considering begging for a place back in the good old old school. i love you guys! i fucking do!

matt hales's voice keeps me going. graham norton helps too. double bill every night 10 pm.

latin is boring. stupid american classmates don't know about city of bath. think it's a giant bath. i made being bored perfectly clear. my teacher was like: "you look bored" i was going to reply, "because you bore me." bloody hell.

i'm chilling out, as it were, by reading benjamin hales's tour diary and my old entries when everything was simpler and nicer. yeah right. i was going on about my so-called depression. yeah right. and db. and me having good taste. yeah right. (although i do now. of course, i'll be cringing in 2 years time. that effeminate, camp, thin... there is nothing wrong with them. nothing!)

i have good reason to believe that this upsettedness/frustration/anger thing is all PMS. not going to have to do any homework tomorrow, so it's ok. for the 56th time: ben is very amusing.

<< i hate this! i really hate it! >>

th since 5th october 2001