arent we all blind sometimes?
15.08.2003 ~ 10:05 pm

actually fell asleep on sofa today. exhausted. the nice counselors swapped my pre-calculus with health so i don't have to miss pre-calc when i come back late from french at another campus. nice. very nice. might have failed physics quiz, not sure. but it's not a graded thing, which is good.

i plan to watch a lot of television tonight and put off the homework for as long as possible. one of the history books, The People's History but Hpward Zinn seems interesting, though. did i mention that i'm doing a first year university course for my worst subject ever? fabulous. might move down to K (accelerated learning, which might not require essay writing.) i survived RS, so i might as well do this.

might drop french or latin, though. french is far away and the journey wastes time. latin is third year latin. unbelieveably slow and my teacher's a bit of a freakshow. or maybe i'll request to be moved up. don't know. either way, i have no time to speak to my counselor. there's no free time here except for after school. hm. better learn to drive so i can get home.

got my lunch number today. don't see the point of it. maybe i won't have to carry cash? who knows.

my german friend wenke knows about aqualung and loves Nowhere! how cool is that? she's also going through the "why the hell did i choose to ruin my life" phase, so we have stuff to talk about. it's all good. except for the parts where it's bad.

to make up for the england missage, i saw Gosford Park (ryan philippe!), parts of Sense and Sensibility and Bridget Jones's Diary today. i plan to have a film fest tonight. i can sleep tomorrow.

<< it's friday! its the weekend! thank the lord. >>

th since 5th october 2001