arent we all blind sometimes?
24.06.2003 ~ 12:51 am

i strike myself as one of those obsessive-compulsive stalker types who has to document every thought and action. if i ever get investigated for some sort of stalker crime, and the detective found my journal or even creepier, letters, i can imagine him saying, �yes. thought she would do that. she�s one of those obsessive psychos. thanks for the incriminating evidence.�

on friday i was lying in bed, thinking that i must write about how that day, hannah had said that after the double eviction on big brother, they�re gonna put someone else in, and it might be an old housemate. i thought that if i didn�t write that here, i�d forget it and that would be bad, because in 10 years time, i�d want to know as much as possible about now and i�d be pissed off that i can�t remember.

just now, after typing two entries (yes, this is the 4th today and i can�t even post the last two) and not wanting to stop despite telling myself to, i paced the room thinking of things to say. i thought:

�feeling as if you�re about to cry but not being able to is a type of constipation. constipation of the tear duct.�

�it�s getting bad when you pace the room in the middle of the night trying to make sense of your thoughts. it�s not like you can work out the meaning of life. anyway, if you do want to get enlightened, you might want to sit under a tree.�

�your spelling on keyboard is seriously deteriorating. you�re tired. spellcheck is a stupid program, not designed to alert you when you stop making grammatical or logical sense. learn to type already. i-n-g not i-g-n.�

on saturday, i was in the car thinking about my obsessive compulsiveness. then i thought that i needed to listen. always listen. and i needed to write that down somewhere. hello winifred burkle. (missed Angel again. Shitty McShit.)

not wanting to miss anything else, i just went and watched some re:covered, hoping that i had not missed aqualung. busted was on. (which means that aqualung should be on next week) they covered Mrs Robinson. and i can proudly say that they thoroughly ruined the song for me. they couldn�t carry off the �woo woo woo�, which makes the song.

when asked which version they liked best, they answered the other one, i.e. not Simon & Garfunkel. okay. then the other one who i hate said �the Simon & Garfunkel one is in a film, isn�t it? ... the Graduate? ... and mrs robinson is a teacher� �which is appropriate,� said charlie.

the fuck? sorry charlie, but what is inappropriate is that you and your pathetic bandmates think that mrs robinson is a teacher. who said anything about a teacher? (actually i do, she was my geography teacher in second and third year. she liked me cos i remembered what CBD was from first year. i also got 88% in the end-of-year exam despite throwing away shit loads of marks for not R-ing The F-ing Q. and i dropped it. why? because i liked philosophy. beh.)

i know they�re not that much older than me. charlie (obviously the only one whose name i know) is, like, a year older than me, but that is no excuse. lack of culture much? (albeit of the pop variety) i find it disturbing that they don�t fully understand the context of the song they were singing. the song which is the film. i�ve never seen the film (only a bit) and i know what it�s about.

see, Matt Hales would know. he is old and experienced in the matters of pop culture. in fact, in, he goes on about how 'paul' and 'art' lived with him when he was little and sang to him. so he likes to bullshit, big whoop, it�s the way of musical visionaries.

speaking The Hales, i can not only link him to paul simon, but to busted, and not via the stupid cover. in one big weekend, he says that his favourite song was year 3000 by busted and then sings God Only Knows...

i�ll stop playing The Link Game right now cos i last time i got all pretentious playing it in DT, my teacher revealed his superior buffy knowledge and that *pauses for dramatic effect* is something i will never let go of.

it is now 1:50. i have Worked Myself Up. i am too petty. i should grow out of it like how busted should grow out of their ignorance and cringe at their crapness. maybe they�re doing that right now. this thought brings me joy.

it�s now 2:08 am. i have just proof-read the above. have fun dissecting the sentence structures!

<< why am i still typing? >>

th since 5th october 2001