arent we all blind sometimes?
22.04.2003 ~ 5:56 pm

Hello. I have just returned from doing DT. Last time I sat here typing this, I missed Buffy, but not today, because it is a) Tuesday, and b) it is not on tonight. Not saying that I�m waiting to watch Tara die, but I�d like to watch it some day, preferably soon.

My DT: well, you�ll be glad to know, gentle readers, that I have Nearly Finished. I have stuck the thing together and all I need is to get the flexi-panels cut and they slot in and everything would work. Right now, I have a wooden skeleton, which my parents were not very impressed with when they came to pick me up today. especially when everyone else has made dining-table-sized coffee tables and my bedside table is the shape and size of a rubbish bin, only bigger and differently shaped. My mum was more of a control freak than I am: �have you named your work?� �is someone going to take it?� blah blah blah worry-cakes.

i got 'sundial' in my head all day. its nice to sing when sanding.

I am tired. Waxing has that effect on me. Have to watch Matt Hales prance around on stage now. Good bye.

<< your face is the most precious thing my memory has got. >>

th since 5th october 2001