arent we all blind sometimes?
07.01.2002 ~ 11:41 pm

got back 1st draft of coursework. finally. all these other people in my position were like: 'are you gonna sue her/file a complaint?' so i was like 'okay, okay, calm down. she's obviously giving us extentions'. and they were like: 'she better'. whoa. over reaction of the month! this whole "big" thing doesnt really affect me anyway cos i was in hk, so i didnt really care. anywas, she's not even mentioning a deadline yet, and the first word of the comment was "excellent", so i guess i'm gonna be fine. she probably thought that posting them would pose a risk to them dissapearing and i completely understand that. other people? sheesh.

so. did i mention that she's not gonna be in school for the whole week cos she lost her voice? well shes still marking and there are people transporting her marking to and from school, so everythings swell except our next substitute is ex-mr english. we're gonna do fine...


wow. our dining room is actually providing soup now. at the moment they only have it in one cold queue (with hot soup?) but thats probs just gonna be a trial thing and soon even hot queues (which i only queue in) would have them too. so ticca and i did the illegal today - we got 2 lunches. basically, after getting our lunches, i asked babs what the big tub thing of reddish hot liquid was. and all-knowing babs was like: "tomato soup, duh! soup of the day." so we got some soup and where made to ask for other stuff cos the dinner lady thought that we were anorexic or sth. so i got a roll. from now on, i'm gonna get soup everyday (as long as its good. tomato soup is always a good starting point. everyone likes tomato soup. lentil soup, however, isnt so good...)

<< soup. side note: i got my first ever coursework draft back! >>

th since 5th october 2001