arent we all blind sometimes?
06.01.2002 ~ 6:55 pm

kudos to ticca, for taping me the buff eps. gees.. . all that angel mentioning talk was completely lost on me.

ok. remember the english coursework 1st draft (my first EVER piece of coursework) that my miss eng promised (okay, so she didnt excactly promise) to send me? well looky here. i dont have it. dargh. what if it got lost in the post? i'm gonna hafta print it out 4 her to mark all over again! good thing i didnt write it out, or i'll be cutting myself.


i got a bio test 1st thing 2morrow and a span oral last thing. which is gonna be videoed! what did i do to deserve this? (okay. question = answer: you bought 2 pairs a shoes, one incredibly beautiful and expensive mp3 player[which you still havent fiured out hpow to work yet], and an Elle suit case (which was actually cheaper than the spoopy one i was planning to buy)).


so scared when i looked out the window just now. their is just nobody switching ther lights on at all. the only lights are the ones on all the time. ie until 3am. so i naturally thought that it WAS 3am. and i still havent had dinner yet.

<< have to go back to school tomorrow. >>

th since 5th october 2001