arent we all blind sometimes?
22.09.2003 ~ 9:56 pm


I�ll start with last night because last night I was too busy writing APUSH notes until 2 am in the morning. I have no clocks in my house, ok? And my biological clock is wack and thinks that night is day and vice versa. You should know that by now.

Anyway, If you sent me an email this weekend and I haven�t replied yet, I�m sorry, but I will, once I get this and my maths homework done, because out of the 2 whole days of the weekend (that�s 48 hours) I only spent about 30 minutes online. So I replied to about 5 emails and posted 2 diary entries. And I posted something on It�s not that hard to find, I suppose, you�ll just have to know what to look for. It�s a variation of my name, not too random.

The following is dedicated to my RS buddies, especially my D-land RS buddies, �hirixxx� H and �fallen-again� Emily. You non-RS-ers can read too. (Actually, there are bits about RUTH as well, if I�m gonna point out all the evil, alienating bits.) There are two paragraphs at the end that has nothing to do with RS (indicated by arrows>>>>>>>), so you could, s�il te veux, read that:

Right. What happened today? I was in health and my friend asked me what religion I was. So I said that I was a Christian, a protestant. So she asked what denomination.

And you know that I deeply dislike religion. God is great. God is It. But religion, religion is completely different. I didn�t say that I hate religion, but I tried to explain that I don�t agree with a single denomination and didn�t want to be part of anything that I didn�t believe in. After all, religion is a human institution, i.e. it�s easily fallible.

So she was like, �don�t you go to church and read the bible?�

Well, no. My experiences of church were shit, but I do occasionally read the bible. I refuse to listen to a sermon and automatically accept it. The way I see it, Christianity is all about freewill. It�s about using all the information you have, deciding you believe in God, and living with that knowledge.

Anyway, I was explaining that the bible is a human document (I love how I still quote Judaism Today) but she wouldn�t take any of it. I wasn�t saying that it�s not the word of God, but it was written at that time, and for most parts, for the people of the time. And how long ago was this? Some bits, in my opinion, are completely unsuitable in our social context. All that chauvinistic crap, for example.

I was arguing my case and everyone in my health class stared at me as if I were a heretic. She was practically saying that I was going to be damned in the parousia because I didn�t believe the bible was true (as if there is absolute truth). Of course, there is the possibility that she is right and I�ll be burning in hell in eighty years, but I didn�t like how she discredited my ideals. (but am I doing the same to her? I did let her speak. But she couldn�t stop me speak�...)

Honey, you live in the bible belt now, I told myself. I was about to call Emily. Then I realised I wasn�t in London anymore. Liberal London. London, home of many atheists.

So I huffed into APUSH saying, �I am Not a Heretic!� and I knew Sara�s a Christian cos she gave me a card about her Christian youth group. So I started the same conversation, and we discussed a lot of stuff, including Paul telling people it�s best to stay pure and not get married if they can help it for the parousia and the non-existence of absolute truth (which I am the champion of, by the way, cos I�m the poster child for relativism) etc etc. I think she�s more conservative than me. Most Christians are. I�m halfway down that slippery slope already.

So suddenly, she said, �I know it�s weird to say this, but I hate religion.�

I practically leapt off my desk and kissed her. So instead I waved my arms about to show the kindred spiritism (she loves quakers as well and says that they�re awesome). She said that her youth group basically discusses things like this. And she said that I could argue. (And through this exercise, I realised that I miss those RS days. So I didn�t say anything, but I was there listening.) Absolutely Fabulous. And there I was thinking that she was a Christian nutcase who listens to Delirious? (whom I only know about from their RUTH non-connections)

�I�m losing interest in the teachings of the Lord,� as RUTH frontman Matt Hales likes to say.

I�m not going to gi� my heart to the very next one, and I�m not saying that I�m gonna be a good Christian and go to youth groups and not doubt the resurrection anymore. But I need to make up my mind and I might as well start gathering information now.

�I spent my life waiting for love to set me free (la la la la) but now I realise it�s mostly down to me.� (how can I resist)

>>>>>>>>>>On a completely unrelated note, my APUSH/Pre-cal buddy Andrea saw a blurry, upside-down photo of BrighterThanSunshine!Matt and thinks he looks like Harrison Ford. The fan-boy might think it�s a good thing. My other APUSH/Pre-cal buddy Kyle thinks Matt Hales is �the hot guy� in England (�no, he�s the Hot Guy in Lok-land.�) and wants to be him. Silly boy.

Speaking of Mr M Hales (which is what Chess likes to call him, �and we all know he�s very pretty��), Wongsiu was sad to say that my �beautiful isn�t looking as beautiful as usual� in the Brighter than Sunshine cover. Not as beautiful? I resent that. However, I do like My beautiful. I like it very much.

A fat man with a spade is doing our phone line now. Be quick, fat man. Ah. I believe he� finished. Well done.

I�m also doing my maths homework for the first time in some time. He doesn�t ask for it, I don�t do it. But I hate being clueless and I have time�. Which should be spent online�. it is now 5:22, just so you know.

Did you say internet?

(ETA: didnt work. sheeeeeeeeeet!)

<< Order me a WWJD sweatband now. >>

th since 5th october 2001