arent we all blind sometimes?
25.09.2004 ~ 12:47 pm



For the first time in, oh I don't know, ALL MY LIFE, I fainted. On my bathroom floor. I'm not sure if it really was fainting, maybe collapsing or semi-blacking out? But I was somewhat conscious throughout the ordeal.

I had been talking to my aunt and grandad on the phone and preparing to go online when I was hit by the mother of all stomach aches, so I thought: foetal position, bed, now.

I was brushing my teeth and flipping through an issue of TIME when I realised that a) I couldn't focus on the page and b) I was going deaf. So I rinced, ran to the laptop to try and put it to sleep and ran back to the bathroom to turn the lights off, which is a very difficult thing when you are fainting.............

It all became very dark, but I'm not sure if what was because a) I had succeeded in turning off the light or b) I was fainting. I've never had experience in this sort of thing so I wouldn't know. The fall seemed to take forever, but five foot two does seem an awfully long way. Completely losing control of your limbs is quite a good feeling. So then I dragged myself up and stumbled onto my bed. The fall was so loud than my parents ran up to say things and I replied but I don't remember. They weren't particularly nice things, anyway, and people really shouldn't say things like that to their dying relatives.

I'm up and wobbily fine now. It must have been the lack of sleep these past few days... I'm such I've been up longer before.

Why is no one online?

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th since 5th october 2001