arent we all blind sometimes?
24.07.2004 ~ 4:42 pm

I am keeping my iPod in a sock while my dad washes its neoprene case. It's pink, it's got the Union Jack on it and it's way too thin and flimsy to protect My Baby.

This university application thing is doing my head in. And I haven't even got a shortlist yet. Why aren't I eloquent like the people scary overacheivers in College Essays That Make A Difference? I should have been on the Fiction Alley board instead of the Aquaboard.

Speaking of the devil, I got a reply:

yes but it is a diary which is available for everyone to see! I can understand why stuart was annoyed i mean he first made the request nearly a month ago and still hasnt heard anything back from them!

Personally I think that the reason the board has gone the way it has is probably cos there hasnt really been anything new happening with aqualung lately what with them having a baby and all and its not fair on matt to keep us entertained while he has a child to look after

I'm tired of this already! However, I have started writing a reply. It's already quite long and I fear that I am getting carried away. I need an objective opinion. Dear LJ friends, is this too bitchy or is bitchy good?

Perhaps you do not understand the definition of free speech? It is not saying what you want whilst being polite and tactful. It is simply expressing your opinion. I have already covered this point and wish to pursue it no further.

Of course Stuart has the right to be annoyed. However, he might be less annoyed had he asked who the mods are, as he would have found out that FCM is First Column Management. Natasha works with them, but I'm not sure if she still does. There are a number of theories about Karlsen, but he likes to keep his identity secret. It isn't unlikely that he is on holiday, and who can blame him?

The fact is that First Column manages about ten bands and has been extremely busy lately. It is hardly a priority of theirs to moderate a message board.

I have explained why a fanmod would be unsuitable in the comments section of my Very Public diary, but I shall reiterate here: if the current mods are too busy to answer questions directly on the board, would they have time to reply to queries from a fanmod? Therefore, the fanmod will only be successful if he/she has knowledge of the workings of the music industry and ties to the band and management. The latter can be sorted out quite easily but the former, which will allow the fanmod to make educated guesses, may take more time. I know of a few people who fulfill both requirements, but they no longer post on the board.

I haven't written a response to the second paragraph yet. I have an urge to say "because the new fans are brainless and illiterate," which is my impression. However, I want to keep the moral high ground. Or something.

ETA: A few tweaks and a final paragraph later, I have... a very long comment. How eager of me.

Why have the old fans left? Because they find the board unbearable. I have lurked there since its beginnings and Matt has been on hiatus before - it was fine. If fans choose to entertain themselves with inanity, they risk nothing but appearing brainless and illiterate.

The last bit just for you, Sara. :D

<< The saga continues. >>

th since 5th october 2001