arent we all blind sometimes?
05.06.2004 ~ 3:47 am

i've been very irritable today. irritable and annally perfectionist. which is why i finally got off my arse and did some tidying. now at least the bones are in my closet, not strewn haphazardly around the room where i can trip on them. in fact, i went to brush my teeth and ended up rubbing the basin with alcohol. inhaled a bit too much... and started the bottle of Method (people against dirty) green tea and aloe handwash that my mum bought off an online healthfood shop.

i blame my foul mood on a series of dreams i had yesterday. first one ended really well, with me talking with Matt Hales. i woke up feeling great but it was much too early so i went back to sleep. the next dream was lovely and warm and cuddly - even less likely to come true thanks to a fluffy blue jumper and certain personality traits. i woke up momentarily but was too tired to punch the air so again i slept and the dream continued. we were on the run from a Big Bad. a powerful vampire or perhaps Voldermort himself? three of us had to hide from him under a single bed, and i went in the wrong way, so my hair and pillow were sticking out. that pissed me off when i woke up.

the SAT cru cancelled on me. no more PoA. bah. i officially have no social life whatsoever. i will be cleaning my rooms for the rest of my Houstonian summer while everyone runs around having fun in the sun. i don't mind, i'm already tan, albeit unevenly. (i look better pale.)

love St. John's College so much. (not the one in Cambridge. or Oxford.)it has two compuses - one in Maryland and one in New Mexico. ohmygodsoalternativeanddelicioussounding. and so tiny! about 450 to 475 students in each campus. who wants to go with me?

<< bah. >>

th since 5th october 2001