arent we all blind sometimes?
08.05.2004 ~ 7:37 pm

i feel as though it deserves its very own entry.

APUSH exam - the cumulation of my labour in the past several months. shame i forgot it all.

got in extra early to check answers of the practice exam with Amanda. our three brains did fantastically. shame i only have one.

out teacher rocks muchly. she had chocolate, breakfast bars, fruit and many many mints for us. even had goodie bags in which to put the food. and she gave us all stickers to wear. mine said "Awesome". i would have prefered "Best In Class", but that wouldn't have matched my aquamarine zippy hoodie, now, would it?

no mobiles, food or drinks at the desk, which made me sad as i was separated from my many many mints. Beau gave me a strip of Juicy Fruit gum, which was nice until it ran out of flavour. did you know that it was invented in the 20s? this is the kind of useless information in my brain. nothing else.

there was a lot of waiting and filling in names and sticking in labels. SB kept miming snuggling and something that looked like digging a grave. later found out that he meant dipping, as in dancing. this distressed me as i was not looking forward to Prom.

multiple choice - presidents' policies what? i was sitting between two very knowledgable brains. if only it worked that way. there were 13 questions at the end about preparing for the exam. they shouldn't count towards anything so i ignored them, checking other answers. then i panicked about not doing them.

document based question was ok. free response essays were a bit heh?

people walked out saying how easy it was. i didn't think so. clever bastards. hate history.

<< APUSH >>

th since 5th october 2001