arent we all blind sometimes?
08.05.2004 ~ 8:15 pm

sorry it took so long.

in my haste to find Kristal after school, i got to her locker too early and thought i missed her. she came to my house and made my hair curly while i made her watch Matt and Ben and Matt and Stephen. then she put it up and did make up. here we are

here's my hair

and here's before

and after

notice how there are black circles under my eyes from Late Nights. i look like a recovering drug addict.

my mum made me pose. sadist.

my birthmark makes me look as though i've been punched in the face.

ah. prom. *nods knowingly*

here's Jimmy and i. this was taken while we were waiting for the valet because realised that there was no photo of us. notice how the loop of ribbon which which you hang the dress is sticking out. it does that a lot.

oh, and here's the corsage. didn't get him a boutineer and will never forgive self for it. next year i'll get an uber pretty one.

couldn't work out how not to poke myself with the big-arse pin, so i attached it to my bag

downtown Houston

Hyatt Regency is classy

i could have sneaked into that photo, but i wanted to sleep

Prom looks like this

some people look better in the dark. i am one of them. here is Matt. we greet each other with "Matt Hales!" or "Ben Hales!"

oh, and to make the evening complete, Prom Queen

and Prom King

no idea who they were.

so. it was surprisingly fun, even though i spent a lot of time taking photos of Jimmy and his friends because my camera is superior (and i had nothing better to do). i managed to avoid dancing all together, which was fantastic.

seeing the seniors all prettied up and glamourous was great. it's a tradition to skip school and get manicures and hair appointments. and there i was in that bloody APUSH exam in the morning, picking my cuticles off. the hair took an hour and a bit, which is an eternity when there is a scalding hot iron right next to your scalp, but beauty takes sacrifice, i suppose.

difficulty balancing in heels. falling about like an idiot.

scared of rrrrrripping dress.

Alison, love of Jimmy, was wearing flip flops. (!)

old contacts - couldn't see.

surprisingly, others recognised me without glasses. i couldn't.

i am elegant. woo.

Ms. Robinson (history teacher) the best - said i was very pretty. asked Jimmy, "how did you get her to come with you?" "i paid her 20 bucks"

Jimmy bit crap at driving.

got us lost.

but i sang This Love really loudly, which made everything better (for me). guilty pleasure. hate that song.

got home 11 something.

took shower. again.

seem to spend all my time in the shower these days.

early night at 1 am.

socialising exhausts me.

painless, though.

looking forward to next year.

<< Prom 04. >>

th since 5th october 2001