arent we all blind sometimes?
01.05.2004 ~ 9:38 pm

my 8:30 alarm woke me up. i stayed up because there was a storm and i started singing along to Duke Special and Ben. so i've been online all day, feigning revision.

it's disappointing when i keep refreshing and i keep getting no emails. except very brief ego-boosting ones about foot fetishes. but that's not attractive simply because DB has one.

how ridiculous. my dress was $80.

all this tedious prom-talk makes me want to go to a reunion. "ah-HA! told you i was gonna marry a Hales."

ETA 12:23am because there is nothing better to do:

the thing with Jimmy is that he's not too bright. it's cruel and unfair and insensitive to say this, but i'm an elitist bitch and i don't like it. i suppose it's because i've been in highly selective schools all my very short life (minus one year in which i was very unhappy) and my peers have all been as clever as me, if not cleverer.

to be frank, Jimmy's shit at Latin, and lessons don't get easier than that. in fact, first year Ribbons & Lace "Caecilius in hortum est" Latin was harder. we don't even need to translate the stories accurately here.

i'm not saying, "hey, let's kill all the stupid people so we can evolve bigger brains," but in Jimmy's case, i just can't carry stimulating conversation with him. it's very hard work. i have to provide all the substance and he just says, "yea". or, he makes leaps of non-sequitur reasoning, which, when coupled with the inappropriateness for which he's infamous, makes him very socially inept. and not in a cute (SB) way.

i know an Andrew who is the undisputed King of Inappropriate. he's also quite the egotistical bastard. after a discussion on the castrati, in which our physics teacher alerted us to the fact that the practice of making choir boys eunuchs has been banned hundreds of years ago, i asked him why i keep talking to him. "because i'm a brilliant conversationalist." he is absolutely up himself, but absolutely correct. and this is why, even though Jimmy is a much nicer person, i always block him on MSN. and also why i dread Prom.

thank you for reading. good night.

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