arent we all blind sometimes?
23.02.2004 ~ 8:37 pm

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! lost my fucking entry!

short summary - aren't you glad?

-2 am. read Zinn -academic dense writing - evil. Norah Jones - no lullaby. awake, dream, awake.

-sleep deprived - natural high. laughed in Physics - odd.

-APUSH - timed Document Based Question - crap.

-interact meeting, Lock-in - my namesake, giggle. signed up for Diversity Show helping - will not be in Houston - Stupid.

-SB says: headache, blocked nose. realise: me too, plus dizzy light-headedness, tired eyes.

-origami paper shopping for Speech, plastic easter eggs bring back memories, see Kristal again - fate obviously.

-TAAS* test tomorrow. TAAS = retard test, everyone else has TAKS** test. 3 hours locked in room. will read Pierre et Jean 45 pages!

-Ben - French speaking, mentions Guy de Maupassant - would understand and explain. marry please.

-TAAS - even more stupid - lasts 3 days, TAKS only one day.

-pervert in US - does obscene things to Barbie - HAHAHAHAHAHA.

-Bellatrix/Sirius - abandon slash for now, incest - way to go.

-GMtAtSA - nowhere.

-My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance - hee!

-laugh too much - exhaust self.

*TAAS - Texas Assessment of Academic Skills, need for high school graduation.

**TAKS - Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, need for high school graduation.

<< disjointism. >>

th since 5th october 2001