arent we all blind sometimes?
29.12.2003 ~ 12:33 am

You are Sarah! You have been working at your office
for two years, seven months, three days, two
hours and have been in love with Karl for two
years, seven months, three days and an hour and
thirty minutes. You are falling in love, but
afraid to express it to the one you hold
feelings for.

Maybe you should ask him for a drink, and then
maybe after twenty minutes casually slip into
the conversation the fact that you love him
totally and would like to marry him and have
lots of sex and babies.

Which Love Actually Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

so i still haven't seen Love Actually. but yeah, that does sound like the pathos that is me.

joined friends reunited today. i just registered for my junior school, the one i went to for a year in london. won't be surprised if the three people from my year forgot about me. i do not recall a Ben Taubman. there was, however, a Ben Hart. so many Bens.

the confusion is that i registered with a pseudonym at first, so now the website keeps confusing me with a certain Miss Emerson (like Anya from Buffy). it'd call me by a different name everytime i go to a different page.

i did all this initially to see what the old girls of my old school (which i like to call Ribbons and Lace, but everyone thinks is stupid) are talking about, but it was incredibly boring.

<< zero friends reunited. (i hope i sounded cool on my info bit.) >>

th since 5th october 2001