arent we all blind sometimes?
05.12.2003 ~ 6:15 pm

i thought that i should update, since i haven't been able to lately. not properly, anyway. and what happens now? i have nothing to say.

yesterday i took a lot of caffeine. i had a coke for lunch, a strong soup-cup of coffee and soem more coke. i was shaking. buzzing. felt like i couldn't breathe properly. couldn't sleep. which was just as well, becasue i had a physics presentation (this time on the invention of the dishwasher - fascinating), a french test on Le Petit Prince (why didn't i read it more?), an APUSH quiz and a maths quiz. the fun. and i have exams the week after next. i will be exempting some. (hahahahopefully)

i am cold. and i am running out of things to say. so i'll just recycle what i said to ticca just now.

i hate it when people on the internet say rude things and then sign off with a smile as though it excuses the nasty sentiment. there are many people who think that it's ok to criticise other people online because of virtual anonymity.

that disgusts me.

oh, on a completely unrelated note:

remember the girl i call galadriel who calls me buffy? she calls her boyfirend celeborn. how sweet is that? i need to find myself a matt or a ben. or both. ticca offered to find them for me and i'll pay for the postage and packaging.

dinner. off to eat food.

ETA 11:40 pm: i saw the end of Bubble Boy. jake gyllenhaal was so cute in that. he reminded me of someone who looks nothing like him. might have something to do with the shoulder-hunch, or the eyelashes.........

ANYWAY. it's evidently the feelbestest film because they played Wouldn't It Be Nice in the end. my uncle made a copy of the compilation Sounds of Summer by the Beach Boys for me last sunday. it's the most distracting thing ever. i had to sing along. and now i know why Matt Hales said Barbara Ann is shit. he's right. however, i keep getting it in my head in inopportune times, but when i want to sing it to people to inflict them with my pain, i can't remember how it goes.

almost forgot: i got an 8+ for my DBQ in APUSH (document based question, like a timed essay with a lot of sources that you have to include in the answer). that's 94%. i rock. she wrote that my thesis statement was excellent! (was unexpected. am pleased.)

<< friday. (friday!) >>

th since 5th october 2001