arent we all blind sometimes?
25.11.2003 ~ 2:18 am


i needed to change my profile. it was getting redundant.

hello, i'm lamlok. it's not my real name, but parts of. and most people who know me don't call me lamlok (that's a shout-out to you, ticca) but some do and i started this for them. but now i have other friends too. (really?) friends who don't call me lamlok. and this is for them too.

about me: i was born in hong kong and i moved away to where i'm living now. i will shortly be moving again, to another continent.

this diary chronicles my adventures in the reality as we know it and in equally valid realities called fandoms and obsessions. right now, i am enamoured with Matt Hales (a.k.a Aqualung). however, my good friend karen wasn�t wrong when she called me an obsession slag. so who knows, this description which took bloody millennia to compose might be completely irrelevant tomorrow.

i shall replace this with something random, with no relevance, so it can never get irrelevant. it's like sleeping on the floor so you don't roll off the bed - ingenius.

i also decided to revise the comments i have on my buddies. some i have not changed, others are now just odd - "barbie drives a pink VW beetle." that's not true on so many levels. however, she was only on diaryland for a day and i didn't have the heart to delete her.

it is very hard to reduce a comment on a person to a sentence.

also, i was going to put them in some sort of order, but it would be difficult and awkward and too much work. so they are in a weird order.

i also changed that music/film/author stuff. i am very laconic indeed.

20 entries until my 1000th. oh my god. should i start a message board and have a party? what to do? what to do?

<< gardening. my god, it's grown. >>

th since 5th october 2001