arent we all blind sometimes?
12.11.2003 ~ 3:04 pm

i finally got my report card for the last six weeks today.

i was overjoyed to find that i got a C in physics. 76%. overjoyed. what the fuck happened to me?

i got 60s for all my quizes, test etc and still managed to pull a high 70 (oh shut up). must have been my presentation about sideshow incubators. quite enthralling, actually.

uh oh. i'm reading this and it's really serious if you get lower than a 70. well.

i was really clever in physics today. despite staying up really late last night (tell you about that later), i did all my homework and only needed to do some minor tweaking before i got it all right. fantastic. maybe i'll even pass the next test on friday.

going out to dinner tonight. better learn about the reform era for the timed essay tomorrow. temperance! polygamy! craziness!

deep in snark contest with yvonne. the bitch dissed my hair. good thing i'm full of intellectual terms like "postmodernist irony". yea! (for ticca) i will resist the urge to call her a fucking cunt and be mature about this. remember kids: knowledge is power. *shakes encyclopedia in defiance* (i don't even own an encyclopedia.)

almost forgot: i was staying late last night to see rufus wainright on TV. so i stayed and watched and suddenly the channel CBS changed to KHOU, so feeling defeated and betrayed, i went off to bed and watched sitcoms. then it turned back to CBS so i watched the whole show until the very end when rufus appeared out of nowhere and sang Vibrate. now, it's a good song ("my phone's on vibrate for you"), but that was it. no interview, no nothing. he's got really thin fingers. scary.

<< wednesday > half of working week. >>

th since 5th october 2001