arent we all blind sometimes?
07.11.2003 ~ 6:56 pm

ticca should be loved and treasured and all those good things. she created these plot bunnies on msn today:

(RP is not allowed on, home of ticca-the-fic-writer, so the names have been changed to conceal the identities of the characters.)

Batt, Mok and Len all go to a concert!
It will be fluffy.
It will be New Year's.

Tatt Wales and Mom Helling enjoy a fluffy afternoon collecting autumn leaves.
Then they play in the autumn leaves.
Then they take a shower.
I love it.

Jen Lales and Bude Haw meet while Bude is shopping in Prada.
Jen is a clumsy sales assiatant!
After some initial wacky misunderstandings, they run off to have some wild misadventures!
Wild misadventures.
With Bude and Jen.
There can be a series of in-jokes involving Jen's social class!

copyright ticca 2003.

<< plot bunnies involving my favourite people! except tom welling. >>

th since 5th october 2001