arent we all blind sometimes?
04.11.2003 ~ 6:18 pm

only got online just now. bastards. stayed late until 5. (if that's not fucked up, what is? i've generally gone online for 2 hours by that time) waited for physics teacher to teach me what i failed. after an hour and a half of tearing my hair out, i got it by myself then he went through it again and "clarified" it. at least i know i can do it now. not that i learned anything new.

haven't eaten since 11am when i kept dropping bits of my lunch everywhere. stressed out and hungry. got home and did maths then fell asleep reading APUSH.

i am unhappy. not deeply unhappy, just constantly sub-happy.

off to do things that cheer me up. good bye!

<< and it's only tuesday. >>

th since 5th october 2001