arent we all blind sometimes?
25.07.2003 ~ 2:47 am


Clara 14 a.k.a. lau wing fai a.k.a. ahfai

i've been trying to contact her for ages and her email didn't like me.

and today, as i was reading random people's journals, as you do, i found mentions of her and photos of her. and i'm not seeing things (i generally do, but not this time. i Checked). it really is her, cos i'm positive she went to that gospel camp.

it's driving me up the wall and onto the ceiling. *points finger at screen to emphasis point* i googled her and millions of other people share her name. in fact, one of them is in our year in the old school. then i found her sister's site and everything. we've got many things in common, actually. my parents got a bit freaked out by my shouting "kindred spirit!" but that's a whole different story, one that includes Anne of Green Gables and annoying ticca.

so. if your name is clara and is my Best Friend in hong kong, please please please write to me. notes, emails, guestbook, whatever. need to hear from you. badly.

i'm developing a phobia of losing touch.

to everyone else whose names are not clara: this is the third entry today, so if you would please read the other two, i'd be eterally grateful. thank you.

<< clara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>

th since 5th october 2001