arent we all blind sometimes?
13.04.2003 ~ 11:15 pm

i�m feeling geekily accomplished as i have just figured out a way to make temporary files not so temporary. i think; no very sure yet because i lack the intelligence and knowledge of a proper geek. i am merely a poser-geek. i also lack the requisite broadband internet connection. so while my mother yaps away on the phone, i can type offline about how i have one RUTH 37 second demo on iTunes. but soon i will have several 45s tracks! bwahaha.

one of the disadvantages of a 37 second demo is that it ends after 37 seconds, after which samantha mumba starts singing �body 2 body�. why do i even have that song?

heh. smg is singing now. and the phone line is thankfully open so i can use i for my geeky purposes. yes!

holy mother of sock! you have to listen to this.

<< wannabe. >>

th since 5th october 2001