arent we all blind sometimes?
08.04.2003 ~ 3:25 pm

i am such a bad smallville fan. i missed it on sunday and didn't really care. i did care about the fact that i missed lex read poetry to lana (huh?) but have clark walk in on the word "ravish" or "seduce". not sure, which shows how crap i am again.

i also do not know when its on in america, but then they've been on hiatus for months.

quite into buffy and angel, actually. heard some very, very surreal spoilers about ep 22 of angel. something about them all going to wolfram and hart.

who do i love most? matt hales! i should be going to the aqualung concert on friday, but noooo. still, planning on sending the DVD order off today, so we'll see.

<< fan, what fan? >>

th since 5th october 2001