arent we all blind sometimes?
13.11.2002 ~ 6:57 pm

there is a tradition at my school. a tradition of which i am completely unaware. apparently, every year after the GCSEs, we have a boat party. or in michael rosenbaum relevant speak -- a KOK-tail cruise. Whoo! okay, so its not. but hey!

geez, i was like, where's the boat gonna be, the school's lake? but apparently its gonna be in the thames. hey.

so the charity day thing is gonna be next friday. so far we have: rainbow cafe. that is it. the name of the corner of dining room which we are going to occupy.

the only activity we have discussed is teacher twister, idea courtesy of our form teacher. there's a cantonese saying "lai si seung sun". loosely translated it means: grabbing shit onto yourself. doubt anyone would want to get close to the dining room floor anyway. and we're supposed to do something about food? hence the name.

which is the only thing i have to work on for the poster, which is in for friday. like my english coursework. ash's form wins the competition every year anyways. people are suckers for ash's printing onto asetate, nothing special about it.

"how do you get it to go 3D like that?" the suckers (who are also judges) ask. you don't. and its not 3D.

i am so bitter. guess you can ell that i lose every year.

here's a challenge. "rainbow cafe". ideas by tomorrow night. go, lycos go!

<< KOK-tail party! >>

th since 5th october 2001