arent we all blind sometimes?
03.09.2002 ~ 12:08 pm

get your very own life-sized tom welling here. you'll need acrobat reader and a lot of ink. and he's crouching,so he's not in his entire 6 foot 3 glory. shame. and he looks... iffy in there.

remember jeph loeb of buffy cartoon no more because he's in smallville? well he write the episode red. the one with bad boy clark. imagin smallville without him - bad. so its a good thing.

hey read this about angel from aint it cool news:

In 4.5, titled �Supersymmetry,� Winifred visits her old physics professor and learns more of how she wound up in Pylea. It turns out that she�s not the only gifted physics student who�s found herself the victim of transdimensional transport in recent years.

In addition, Angel learns from a comic-book geek that his adventures haven�t exactly been flying under the radar. �There�s whole forums on you in the chatrooms, man. But who knew you actually, like, existed.� Wesley, meanwhile, continues to operate well apart from Angel Investigations.

now i have 2 months worth of work to do. excuse me.

oh yeah! sean astin is gonna direct an episode of angel! i love sean astin! sam and frodo forever!

<< cant wait till the new season. >>

th since 5th october 2001