arent we all blind sometimes?
14.08.2002 ~ 9:13 pm

bet you haven't read the last entry. i you have, i edited it. so go here first.

now you that you envy me, i'm gonna start.

peter krause, nate in six feet under was a recurring character in cybill! he was her older, blonde daughter's husband, kevin! that's why he looks so familiar.

i love cybill. when i grow up i wanna be cybil! or zoe. alicia witt is so cool. seth green was on cybill once as a high school senior. all cool people were on cybill.

edited to add: i was just watching cybill, as you've probably guessed, and i figured out why i feel this connection with her. i snort! she snorts! its the only defence i have for my snorting. michael rosenbaum hates girls who snort, not even nicole kidman or gwyneth paltrow, who he has a crush on and dreams about. *sigh* why? why?????

<< nate was on cybil! i'm so trivial! >>

th since 5th october 2001