arent we all blind sometimes?
15.12.2001 ~ 1:07 am

hey readers, packing's nearly done, by out of the house in several hours. i'll probably not be able to update for the next 3/4 days, cos i'll be staying at a hotel for a couple a days.

so twas the last day of term today. broke the tradition of running out of the building when the bell sounded. in fact i was waiting for miss english to give me my marked, 1st draft of my coursework. she still got about 5 paragraphs to mark, and thats not a lot considering i start a new paragraph every two sentences and a quote. she asked if i wanted to wait, but amy informed me that we were gonna miss the coach, so we ran, shouting "have a nice holiday" to the door of the english cupboard.

i was so happy that i was practically skipping on my way home. what people would call " spring in the step"? or is it "bounce"? stupid english expressions. anyhoo, these other people going out for lunch in this near-by school gave me wierd looks as i skipped down the road humming 'oh come, oh come emma-a-a-uel, redeem thy captive i-i-israel..." dont ask. okay. what the hell. carol service.


talking of wierd looks, ash and i were on the tube going to the church yesterday, when we started disscussing about how because we are confined to our seats, no one would see our shoes. so i said that i might as well wear my jeans (when i meant KEEP my jeans on, cos we were gonna change into our black skirts later). so this woman standing right infront of us looked at my pair of jeans, then ash's and walked off to this other part of the car. and when most of the people had gone, we saw the same woman still standing in the other side of the car, with her back to us.


back to today. so when i came back, i had this 2 hour conversation with my mum about character flaws and how to improve or deal. that drained both the xmas spirit and all the energy out of me. and she forced me to go phone shopping, but we didnt suceed in buying a phone, so we went and unlocked our phones so they work in HK. but i have a feeling that the people doing the unlocking are crooks. i get so paranoid.


amy: i have the song you left on the piano. give to you when i come back.

<< last day of term. leaving for HK tommorrow. >>

th since 5th october 2001