arent we all blind sometimes?
13.12.2001 ~ 8:21 pm

again, i am the only person to update. tsk tsk, rest of my buddy list.

carol service today. stupid man at station wouldnt believe that i'm i child, so he charged ash and i �5.40 each.

following that epithany i had about latin, i felt v. inadequate when i couldnt fully translate this latin hymn this other choir was singing, so when i got home i looked up in my latin dictionary which i purchased in the second year cos i thought that i was definately doing latin.

gaudere = to rejoice

-te = plural imperative

gaudete = rejoice, people (gees,i cant translate.)

well at least with this i can translate the chorus.


last day of school tommorrow, then i'll be off to Hong Kong. updates depend on me remembering my pass word...

<< gaudete, gaudete, christus est natus, ex maria virgine, gaudete. >>

th since 5th october 2001