arent we all blind sometimes?
31.08.2001 ~ 11:40 pm

so today was the 1st day of school. crap. only one in coach stop. a 1st year was in a car which drove past and she was smiling at me. urgh. so i got to school. found out i had the worst deputy form tutor, got a disgusting locker (the small ones in the bottom. have the most uneven homework timetable - 2:10 tuesday, 1:00 thurs.

painful foot. was holding luch tray and blazer together. blazer about to drop off. put luch tray down. unbalanced. flipped over. split everywhere. cleaned up efficiently. got cold lunch (shorter queue). not nice.

the white board said that i was on that coach, so did the card board on the wiper. coach driver didnt seem to no. scared the hell out of me but got home anyways.

fell asleep on couch.

happens every year. last year, theory cancelled, forgot coat. nearly missed coach, but got stuffed in right at the back w/ 2 sixth formers and 3 first years who have infa- (whatever that word is, means fart) problems. fell out of seat onto pile of bags every time coach stopped.

what a nice way to start the new year.

<< a nice way to start the new academic year >>

th since 5th october 2001