arent we all blind sometimes?
30.03.2002 ~ 1:39 am

more trivia.

the french and saunders parody thing was a bit pathetic. the hiding behind the branch thing was funny, though.

this is such a cool site. has LOTR and Angel.

just to follow through the elijah wood and his relationship with the word "cunt" thing, all the LOTR guys named Cate Blanchett "her cuntliness". i respect that woman.

i'm contemplating starting one of those lame "you know you're obsessed with elijah wood / orlando bloom / LOTR when you..." lists. main reason for lameness being that i've known that i'm obsessed for quite some time. think it started with the dream... look it up under 'older'.

actually , might start it now...

you are obsessed with bloomwood cos you...

1. have a poster of frodo on your door so every time you open/close it you can mouth "love you" to it.

2. plan to attend the future premiers of LOTR and since you are a poor student, you have worked out a rota with your friends for calling capital fm to beg for tickets.

3. make time to draw elijah wood's eyes and to marvel at their beauty.

4. analyse his eyes (they're different, i tell ya)

5. doodle them all over your french rough book.

6. draw cheesy hearts with "lamlok 4 frodo" on them to combat bordom in spanish lessons. and don't forget cupid's arrows.

7. devote your prettiest file (thanks amy) to the housing of your beloved bloomwood gallery.

8. train your mum to roll her eyes whenever the syllables "ee" or "or" come out of your mouth.

9. try to convince your mum that there is beauty in the oversized facial features, head or undersized body of elijah wood.

10. try to convince your mum that orlando bloom is not just another pretty boy.

11. tape the oscars just for the lame little shots of elijah wood.

12 also to get a kick out of seeing him live - as near as it gets.

13. are in denial that orlando bloom no longer lives in the same city as you.

14. try to justify the age difference between you and bloomwood. (hell, the age diff betwix ticca and James Marsters is way more, plus, some married couples are 20 years apart.)

15. dont mind if elijah wood gets it on with orlando bloom, as long as they're happy. plus they look pretty good together.

16. doesnt mind if they get it on with liv tyler either. cos she's pretty too. and i'm happy if they're happy.

17. made your whole family and visiting boarding friends watch graham norton with you because orlando bloom is on (thus corrupting the innocence of the youngest boarder as she is only 12).

18. forge strong friendships with all who agree with the salty goodnesses that are bloomwood.

19. find yourself speaking in a fake, preppy, english accent, saying stuff like, "what must i do?" and "you have my bow".

20. like sam, cos frodo likes sam.

21. start finding the big, greasy, hobbit hair attractive.

22. sing "hollywood do-ot com, hollywo-od dot com..."

23. "mime? te-he!"

24. plan a trip to sunset boulevard wth fellow elijah wood admirers so you could see the big gap advert, which is probably gone by now.

25. feel that your non-height is justified.

26. watch frasier (like i dont already) to try and catch the ep where elijah wood guest stars.

27. tell yourself that you love a rent-boy.

28. have strange, exchange dreams about bloomwood (both of them now, i had this obscure one last night, when i was on some exchange, again.)

29. marvel at the fact that "lam" means "wood" in chinese.

30. write elijah wood in chinese. repeatedly.

31. contemplate naming your son (if you ever have any) elijah. daughters - tara or anya, but thats a whole other list. then you can tell your children that "daddy's not your real daddy, your real father is called elijah." what a forrest gump moment. love that film.

32. cried "noooooooo!" every time casey got beaten up in "the faculty". even made little whimpering noises unconsciously.

33. cooed "daaaaaaaawww" when casey drank his juice. sucked it out of a straw!

34. watched the "you can be a pretty cool person when your not a first class, grade A bitch" "casey, are you hitting on me?" "no, no! i'm just saying that you can be a pretty cool person sometimes... this not being one of them." scene again and again and again and again...

35. wish on loose eyelashes that one day you'd meet bloomwood, and they'd take you to the oscars.

36. like sean astin cos him and elijah wood look so cute together.

37. are planning your bloomwood vidfest. with chess. so when should we have it?

38. are gonna buy the legolas action figure "for your friend" just so you could play with him and not feel too selfish.

<< 38 signs >>

th since 5th october 2001