arent we all blind sometimes?
10.01.2002 ~ 10:54 pm

i am actually in the live chat with kristine sutherland right now! they still havent picked my question yet. then again i asked stupid wich scene did you find most touching cos i had strange tears in my eyes during anya's fruit punch speech. noooooooo it just finished!

oh well.

i was gonna have 2 solid hours of dt today cos i'm so amazingly behind. but what do i do? forget to ak for a note. and when my free period teacher didnt come, did i go to dt? nooooo. i decided to not finish my rs homework instead, so now i am truely behind everyone else. really. quite. well i still did some dt (1 hr is not enough) and used the wrong drill bit, which had a vvvvv sharp tip and pierced my knuckle, sawed my skin off and bruised my thumb. but i'm gonna fight to the end of this project however many after school sessions it takes. i and going to succeed!!! and to add insult to literal injury, i have to bring every single book i have at home that i can bring to school tomorrow. yack.


so i just saw the body. and that was ust such a goodie. three cheers to joss. that direction was amazing. the way buffy thinks of the happy endings and the way thet snap back into reality without even finishing the words which they were saying. genius.


and buffy just came back from the dead in sky one. which i dont have. oh well. shant expect anyone to record for me.


emma in my english class got a kiss from db. ???uh????


i had the wierdest dream last night. this morning. i was in the set of buffy and angel (i no they shoot on diff sets. i no) and i was chatting with smg. she was bitching about db. but i was really distracted by her huge mouth, one ear to the other huge. but the middle of her lips met in the middle. she was saying: "david is so stupid. hello? mr. boreanaz, learn to tie you shoe laces."

so i went and looked at his shoes. they were black trainers. there was a hole with i shoe lace through it as if he was forcing this shoelace through the material cos he was so dumb. correction: not 'as if'. he did. (at this point, one of my listeners, hannah, said 'malco!')

suddenly, db popped out of nowhere and said: "lets all have a sleepover, crew!" so all camped out on the floor of the studio. so naturally, db and smg were sleeping together in one sleepingbag. they have this petty argument, so smg was like: "fine! i'm going to the loo to sleep in the tub!" and db was all: "fine!" so smg walked into the bathroom (and this is so random, but she has to pull her skirt down cos its so short in humiliation, cos dont 4get, the whole crew is watching).

she pops her head back out and watches db for a moment, then looks away just as db turns to watch her. repeat 5 times and what do we have you watchers of cliched drama? we have true love. that is in its corniest form other than the open-armed-along-beach-with-a-sunset-in-the-background-lovers-run.

and with that i woke up. that was i fun delve into the abyss of my phyche. i have more. you have been warned.

<< the body, DT, and delving into my technicolour dreamworld. >>

th since 5th october 2001