arent we all blind sometimes?
23.03.2002 ~ 4:26 pm

here's the Cast. all the people i have mentioned should be in here. also contains LOTR, BtVS and the language of fanfic. kinda like a key to the diary.


clara :: a.k.a. ahfai, 14 yrs old (she was the oldest in the class, so this nickname was given to her quite a while ago when she became the first official teenager. ) shes my best friend! a bit inconvenient that she currently resides in Hong Kong and we only meet once a year.

aishira :: a.k.a. Amy, Iwana. v. good friend, vvvv clever. you math genius, you. has obsessive nature like me, current obsession is Lord of the Rings. aspiring fanfic writer. very talented. the fact that she can actually spell and use correct grammar helps so much :)

Ticca :: we became friends cos of our common love for buffy and angel. loves james marsters and orlando bloom for their cheekbones. she hates angel's son though. gatta agree - connor is quite the dumb name. wants the action figure for her birthday. amy and i are gonna play fairy god mothers...

Chess :: short for francesca. DT buddy. we discuss LOTR all the time. also loves orlando bloom and elijah wood. we like singing "" elijah wood style. she's an opera singer, how cool is that?

Mad :: short for madhavi. its cos she brown, isn't it? her, chess and i were best friends in first year. now i'm only with her in english. sad, really. pays no attention to her wing-child:

Izzie :: a.k.a. isabella, legolas girl, mad's wing child, tactless-question-girl. first year on the coach. likes lord of the rings. a lot. and legolas, frodo, bloomwood etc. the name "wing child" derived from the first day, when she missed the coach and the head of middle school came into our form room asking if anyone went on her stop. mad put her hand up and she told her to take izzy under her wing. the name i invented stuck. as for the "tactless-question" name, she asked me if i shave my legs once upon a time. she's also a model. how cool is that?

Babs :: short for barbara. weird girl. nice tho. sometimes. haha, violent bitch. loves hippos and cheese.

Karen :: maths buddy, can do mental maths. (wow!) very loud.

Nay :: DT buddy. nicest person.

Jenni :: dont have much to say, cos i dont know her very well. but she's nice too.

Meera :: loud. again. blonde. hahaha.

Ash :: a.k.a. ash-lee-ei-gah-mah-ha-ha. or simply, ash-lee-ei-gah-ha cos her name is spelt 'ashleigh'. goes on the same coach stop as me. lab buddies.

Hannah :: another clever girl. i envy you.

Miryam :: only figured out how to spell her name a couple a months ago, despite the fact that we've been in the same form for years. tends to sing random R&B songs at you. she's cool.

Denni :: in amy's form. fellow hong konger. her, any and i all went to the same kindergarden in HK but didnt know each other.

Lucy :: third year on the coach. likes bloomwood as well.

Lulu :: year 6 boy on coach. real name aaron. has same chinese teacher as me. my best friend. << that would be a lie.

DT :: design and technology

RS :: religious studies

Lord of the Rings

LOTR :: Lord of the Rings, obsession of the moment.

Elijah Wood :: owner of big blue eyes, translucent, porcelain skin and a pouty lower lip. frodo in LOTR. btw, i love him.

Orlando Bloom :: plays leggy-lulu, legolas in LOTR. very pretty. owner of cheekbones. loved by all at school, including me.

Bloomwood :: collective term for my favourite pretty boys.


BtVS :: buffy the vampire slayer. my favourite TV show. long time obsession.

SMG :: sarah michelle gellar. plays buffy.

DB :: david boreanaz. plays angel. ex-obsession. hate him cos he dissed SMG and the buffy/angel relationship. he's also fat and unattractive.

JM :: james marsters. plays spike. owner of amazingly prominent cheekbones.


fanfic :: fanfiction or simply fic.

ship :: relationship. therefore shipper = person who supports a relationship.

B/A :: Buffy/Angel ship. means fanfic contains a buffy and angel relationship. eg: C/A fanfic, B/A shipper.

slash :: gay fanfic. possible gay porn.

RPS :: real person slash. eg: OB/EW slash.

<< Cast >>

th since 5th october 2001