arent we all blind sometimes?
26.02.2003 ~ 10:55 pm

my lame excuse for creative writing, which was not so creative because it was really fanfic, turned out okay. my teacher said that it was �intriguing and moving� and that it doesn�t need revision.

its a lana fic, one of those moment story type things where she lets go of her parents. i know, i know, blahna, but i have this thing for fanfics which give her depth. the smallville writers don�t do their characters justice. lana is just about the most unlikable character in the history of television. she keeps getting more and more shallow and self-obsessed.

anyhow, i probably managed to plagiarise every smallville fanfic that i�ve every read. some are pretty blatant, but i really wanted to put them in, cos so good. among the copied are: Momento Mori by Jayne Leitch, The Secrets by Kate Elizabeth , Psychobabble, which i couldn�t find, some fanfic about clark sleepflying, which i couldn�t find, Flying Pigs, Paper Hats, and Pretty Girls All in a Row by paperbkryter and loads of other stuff i read on a regular basis.

so should i post it?

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th since 5th october 2001