arent we all blind sometimes?
21.03.2005 ~ 12:06 am

I procrastinate because fiscal policy is oh so boring. I would like to keep an A, though, so completion of at least the checklist is vital for doing well in the test. There is so much awaiting me at school that I don't want to go back.

Instead of eco:
Purity test: 75.2%
Talking to aunt on MSN about her typing dogs
Looking forward to Easter four day weekend sans requisite four day school
Imagining eating with Yvonne, Wongsiu and Sarf in HK (It's my Sex and the City fantasy.)

f. Deficits and Surpluses: 1990-2010:
i. Deficit Reduction Act: designed to increase tax revenues.
1. Increase the top marginal tax of personal income.
2. Increase corporate income taxes
3. Increase excise tax on gasoline.
ii. BLAH

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Come on, you can do it.
(Who needs sleep anyway? I've been oversleeping all weekend!)

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